Stars for Africa - Building Brighter Futures. Verein zur Förderung von Bildungseinrichtungen in Afrika is a charity non-profit organisation headquartered in Austria. The place of jurisdiction is Vienna, Innere Stadt. ZVR No. 1375443989
Music education made possible - Because of your gracious contributions, all three schools now have a range of brand new instruments, allowing our students to finally receive music education and form school bands.
Drumroll please.... Finally, all three partner institutions were equipped with musical instruments. It's great to hear the progress, isn't it?
5-6-7 go!
For years, our partner institutions were unable to educate their pupils in music education due to a lack of funding. We are happy to announce that from this day on, the children of Shining Star, Nadosoito Primary and Losiyo Primary school can finally enjoy learning to play their new instruments.
See our current projects
Stars for Africa – Building Brighter Futures. Verein zur Förderung von Bildungseinrichtungen in Afrika ZVR-Number: 1375443989
Make a donation via bank transfer: Stars for Africa IBAN: AT39 3742 0000 0018 9852 BIC: RVVGAT2B420
Bank account administered at Raiffeisenlandesbank Vorarlberg