We are happy to receive your donations via bank transfer. Please find our details below. In case you decide to donate via bank transfer, please drop us an e-mail at marketing@starsforafrica.com To let us know about your donation and whether you would like to receive special information tailored to you.
To receive a confirmation of your donation via bank transfer, please get in touch with iris.haemmerle@starsforafrica.com
Stars for Africa IBAN: AT39 3742 0000 0018 9852 BIC: RVVGAT2B420
We thank you for your donation and are looking forward to hearing from you via e-mail.
Together with our partner schools in Tanzania and South Africa we thank you very much and will keep you up to date with new projects.
Stars for Africa – Building Brighter Futures. Verein zur Förderung von Bildungseinrichtungen in Afrika ZVR-Number: 1375443989